Brownie the Town Dog had a bank account in the Florida Bank & Trust Company. This was where all the money collected from his coffee can or jar and any funds donated directly to Brownie were deposited.
- At the top of the ledger side you will see “Budgen, Trustee (for Brownie)”. This was Ed Budgen, owner of the Daytona Beach Cab Company who, along with his cab drivers, looked after Brownie and made sure his bills were paid.
- The debits and deposits are small amounts but back then $1 was $10 in today’s money. So a deposit of $100 was really like $1000 today.
- On October 4, 1954, $2 was deposited bringing the total in Brownie’s account to 198.95. Brownie died on October 31, 1954 and his account had over $300, so more money must have come in the last few weeks.
- His account number was 3318.
- I have never found the actual bank book in my searches through the Halifax Historical Museum. I would love to see the actual book and look at all the transactions. I will do more digging to find it.
- The Florida Bank & Trust was in the building that now houses the Halifax Historical Museum.