Brownie Museum

Photo: Brownie sitting with the tourist in the 1950s

This photo is displayed on many internet sites and I think is the best photo of Brownie. It shows him in 1950s Daytona Beach doing what he loved to do: be with people.

Brownie the Town Dog of Daytona Beach sitting with a tourist in the 50s.
Brownie the Town Dog of Daytona Beach sitting with a tourist in the 50s.

This is the colorized version.

Brownie later in life sitting with a tourist.
Brownie later in life sitting with a tourist.


  • The Daytona Cab Company cabs of the 40s and 50s were so different from cars of today.
  • The bench is the same style as the one near Brownie’s grave.
  • You can see the taxi stand next to the man in black. It has three photos hanging on it. These were probably permits from the city to show that this was a legit cab company.
  • I believe there is a man standing behind the taxi stand. You can see his arm almost touching the man in black.
  • I wonder if this photo was staged. Was it just by chance that the taxi door was open to reveal the Daytona Cab Company logo on the door?
  • Who was this tourist? It would be great to have her name.