This update on Brownie appeared in the Daytona Beach News Journal in early October 1954.
At the time, there was a plan to move Brownie from the busy corner at Beach and Orange to inside a pen in Riverfront Park. This was to protect him from getting hit by cars now that he was quite elderly and was also have so many health issues.
I must say that Ed Budgen really looked out for Brownie and thought through everything to ensure he was well cared for, yet remained free and accessible to the citizens who loved him.

Mr. Budgen was concerned that Brownie might not do well in out in the elements and wanted to get approval from Dr. Rawls, Brownie’s vet.
Note that his bank account rose to $175 from contributions. I’m assuming these donations were made directly to Mr. Budgen or to Brownie’s bank account. Also note that this is the first mention, I believe, of Mr. Budgen being the trustee of Brownie’s account.
Note that further research needs to be done on Ed Budgen (his wife died in 2006 at 91) and City Manager LeRoy Harlow (who wrote a book and has an obit. He died in 1995).
Gilbert Glessner is mentioned as Brownie’s principal caretaker and notes how people come back year after year to see him.