On November 2, 1954, the Daytona Beach News Journal ran a large article and photos about Brownie’s funeral in Riverfront Park. I will post the photo spread in a separate post, but this is the article that ran under those funeral photos.

- It appears that Brownie was driven to his burial spot in a Daytona Cab. This was the plan that Ed Budgen wanted.
- Brownie, in his coffin, was carried from the cab by pallbearers to his burial spot.
- Mayor Jack Tamm said “Daytona Beach has lost one of its finest citizens” and their was a moment of silent prayer.
- The grave was 5 foot deep.
- I wish we had a copy of the entire eulogy. From this article it seems very moving and well thought out.
- A floral wreath with Brownie imprinted on it’s ribbon stood as a temporary grave marker while the grave stone was worked on. It took over 2 years before the stone was actually put in place. I wonder if there are any pics of this wreath?
- While 75 attended the funeral, Ed Budgen estimates several hundred would have attended had their been advanced notice of the funeral. It is amazing 75 showed up with no notice or announcement in the days before internet and cell phones.
- They list Brownie as being 20 years old, but note he lived on Beach Street 15 years. In the end, his grave stone lists his life as 1939-1954.
- They discuss his dog house, but not what is going to happen to it.