Apparently, in the 1980s, there was a publication called Daytona Today.
Daytona Today had a section cleverly titled Yesterdaytona that in July 1987 featured Brownie the Town Dog of Daytona Beach.
It was written by Elizabeth Knapp, whom I couldn’t find any further information.
Clicking on the image below will open the article up so you can easily read it.

While the article mostly includes commonly known stuff about Brownie, there are two interesting tidbits:
- Edna May Clinton, who was 97 in 1987, is mentioned as the author of a 1951 story on Brownie in the early animal welfare magazine “Our Dumb Animals”. You can find copies of many issues here. I have been unable to find her article and I’m not sure if “Our Dumb Animals was still being published in 1951. I was also unable to find any more information on Ms. Clinton and her life in Daytona Beach.
- The meeting Elsie, the famous Borden Cow, and her son Beauregard had with Brownie in mid-1950’s. This meeting was actually a publicity stunt that included a visit to Brownie’s bank (now the Halifax Historical Society Museum) to get cash to pay for their ice cream sodas! I wish we had these photos! Interesting fact: Elsie’s husband Elmer is better known today as the face of Elmer’s glue!
I did a Google search for Daytona Today, but couldn’t find any information about the publication. Does anyone remember it? If so, please email us.