The City of Daytona Beach broke ground today on the new Brownie the Town Dog Grave and Memorial.
I got to see the molds and lettering for the statue base and the square pavers that will be used for the paved portions of the memorial. All is looking great and the city workers were all excited about the project and most had visited this site to learn about Brownie. It’s sad that most had never heard of Daytona Beach’s Town Dog until this project, but I’m thrilled this website and the new memorial are sparking lots of interest!
I told the people working on the Memorial to be extra careful with Brownie’s gravestone. They assured me that they aren’t touching it and are being very careful to keep the backhoe away from the grave. They are even leaving the topiary until the area is ready to be planted and paved, so they don’t cause any damage to the grave.