“There is something mighty wholesome about a City whose people can pause in their busy Christmas season to remember an old and beloved dog, I always say.”

- Fred Langworthy, who often wrote about Brownie for the Daytona Beach News-Journal, had a sports column that often featured Brownie (I’m not really sure why).
- This is a very sweet article about how the City felt about their Town Dog.
- Brownie got in a dog fight earlier in the year and needed additional funds to pay his medical bills. This was covered in an earlier post.
- Someone tied a red ribbon around his neck for the Christmas season.
- A woman left a dollar and a poem for Brownie, which I’ll copy at the end of this post.
- I love the last line of this article: “There is something mighty wholesome about a City whose people can pause in their busy Christmas season to remember an old and beloved dog, I always say.”
The Brownie Christmas Poem
Trusting old Brownie,
You’ve done all a dog can do.
Faith to your highest instinct,
Ever loyal, ever true.
And I think when you have ended
Your career of canine cares,
I shall hear the pattering footsteps
As you climb the Golden stairs.
Then I think that some bright angel
At Heaven’s gate will bear you through.
For you never were disloyal.
That’s as well as any dog can do.