Brownie the Town Dog’s grave is a popular geocaching spot.

On people often check in to Brownie the Town Dog’s grave to give the answer to the clue that they are given. I won’t reveal it here.
Here is the description of from the geocach page that has been around since 2003.
We all seem to hear the word “Hero” a lot these days. And it started me thinking” what defines a “hero? We all know about hero’s risking, and sometimes losing , their own lives to save someone elses. But I thought, could a hero also be determine
d by the amount of love that other people show him for just being himself? Well….like Paul Harvey says “heres the rest of the story”
It all begins in 1940, in Daytona Beach, Fl. Back then , Daytona wasn’t the bustling resort that it is today. In fact, it was a lazy, peaceful Southern beach town of 22,000 people. Beach St was the main throughfare. On it was a cab company, a drugstore,a barbershop, a pool hall, a marina, and a bank. Riverfront Park was bewteen Beach Street and the Intercoastal waterway.
One day, a small brown dog wandered into town, and took up residence on Beach St. he was a nice , friendly dog, and seemed to not have a home. he hung around the cab company for awhile, and was about a year old. Instead of running him off, the merchants got used to seeing him, and kind of adopted him. Being brown, of course the name “Brownie” was stuck on him. Everyday, for the next 14 years, you could count on Brownie making his rounds on Beach St. getting treats here, and fed there. He slept in the merchants doorways, and sometimes in a cardboard box the cab drivers had made a doghouse out of. As Brownies fame grew, someone made a coller with a small box on it that Brownie wore around his neck. People who crossed his path would drop spare change in it. The money was put in an account which was used to buy him special treats and so forth. And then one day in October, 1954, Brownie died.
He was buried in Riverfront Park, along Beach St. Seventy-five people attended his funeral. More would have come if they had known.Today, his grave is marked by a granite stone at the posted co-ods. Log this find, by e-mailing me the words on that stone.
I’d say that was a “hero” too….wouldn’t you ??